【获奖】 材冶学院 优秀论文指导教师
【代表性学术著作、论文】 第一作者论文
1“Lifetime Performance of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings for Coating Thickness by Cyclic Thermal Exposure” Korean Journal of Materials Research, 25 [10], 571-576 (2015)
2 “Fracture Behavior and Lifetime Performance of Thermal Barrier Coatings in Thermally Graded Mechanical Fatigue Environments” International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition (ITSC). Asm, (2015).
3 “Microstructure evolution and thermal durability with coating thickness in APS thermal barrier coatings” Materials Today: Proceedings 1, 35-43(2014)
4 “Thermal stability and Mechanical Properties with Vertical Cracks in Thick Thermal Barrier Coatings” Journal of Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 29-35(2014)
5 “Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Air-Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating with Bond Coat Species in Cyclic Thermal Exposure” Materials, 6, 3387-3403 (2013)
6 “Microstructure evolution and interface stability of thermal barrier coatings with vertical type cracks in cyclic thermal exposure” Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 22, 671-679 (2013)
7 “Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Vertical-Cracked Thermal Barrier Coatings in Thermal Exposure” Key Engineering Materials, 512-515, 1040-1044 (2012)
8.Experimental and Modeling Studies of Bond Coat Species Effffect on Microstructure Evolution in EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings in Cyclic Thermal Environments Coatings 2019-09-28
9.Microstructure and Phase Analysis of 3D-Printed Components Using Bronze Metal Filament Journal of Materials Engineering and performance 2020-03-04
1 “Thermal durability of thermal barrier coatings with bond coat composition in cyclic thermal exposure” Surface and Coating Technology, in-press
2 “Thermal durability of thermal barrier coatings with layered bond coat in cyclic thermal exposure” Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 122 [12], 982-988 (2014)
3 “Control of bond coat microstructure in HVOF process for thermal barrier coatings” Journal of Surface Engineering, 260, 63-67(2014)
4 “Effect of Plasma Pretreatment on Thermal Durability of Thermal Barrier Coatings in Cyclic Thermal Exposure” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, (2014)
5 “Rapid Solidification and Phase Composition of Gd-16wt%Co Alloy in Laser Melting Conditions” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 79-82, 464-467(2014)
6 “Effect of Top Coat Thickness on Thermal Stability in Thermal Barrier Coatings” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 260-261, 460-465 (2013)
7 “ Development of a New Adhesive Reagent for Shell Mold Having High Adhesive Strength” Advanced Materials Research 391-394, 560 - 561(2012)
职业院校《金属材料学》课程教学改革创新与实践 中国培训 2020(08)
金属材料工程特色专业建设与探索 世界有色金属2020(09)
工程素养视角下金属材料教学改革研究 现代职业教育 2020 32 90-91
Novel Lanthanum Zirconate-based Thermal Barrier Coatings for Energy Applications Springer 2020 10-29 ISBN: 978-3-030-58694-2 2/80000 26
【专利】 专利: 一种操作简单的机器人焊接平台 2020-09-18 CN211516537U
【主要科研项目】 锆酸镧新型热障涂层的结构设计和机理研究 国家基金委
钢铁冶炼固废提锌技术研究 辽宁省教育厅
锆酸镧新型热障涂层材料性能分析 广发体育
锆酸镧复合结构热障涂层研究 广发体育
3D镍基合金热障涂层制备及检测 国际联合美国普渡大学