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日期:2025-01-29  点击:次;  字体:[] [] []

一、 基本信息









所在学院: 电信学院\理学院

所属学科: 控制科学与工程\数学





1996.09-2000.07 兰州大学    应用数学专业   学士

2002.09-2005.04 广发体育   计算机应用技术   硕士

2007.09-2010.07 中国科学院自动化研究所(北京) 模式识别与智能系统 博士

2010.11-2014.11 中国科学院国家天文台   天文技术与方法 博士后

2018.08-2019.08 密歇根大学-迪尔伯恩分校   国家公派访问学者

2000.07- 广发体育 理学院 & 电子与信息工程学院讲师(2005)副教授(2010)教授(2015

三、 承担的科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金,星系光谱自动分析与特殊天体自动搜寻研究,主持,201301-201512

[2] 国家自然科学基金, LAMOST天体光谱科学参数的自动测量及特殊天体目标的自动搜索算法研究,主持, 201801-202012

[3] 辽宁省教育厅科研项目 ,基于LAMOST 项目的海量光谱数据自动分析研究,主持,20120630-20140701

[4] 企业委托项目,基于双轴云台的图像显控终端系统研发,主持,20200701-20230701

[5] 企业委托项目, 轧机精准控制及相关软件程序研发主持, 20230901-20250901


[1] Yangyang Liu, Liangping Tu*, Jianxi Li , Jiawei Miao, Gengqi Lin, and Chenying Zhao. YOLOX-LS: Strong Gravitational Lenses Detection in the DECaLS with Deep Learning. The Astrophysical Journal, 2025, 978,151. (SCI, Q1,中科院II区,Top)

[2] Jiaming Yang, Liangping Tu*, Jianxi Li, Jiawei Miao. DRsm: Starspectralclassification algorithm based on multi-feature extraction. New Astronomy. 2025,116,102349. (SCI, Q2)

[3] Yang Jiaming, Tu Liangping*, Liu Hao and Zhao Jian. Ces: a new stellar spectral noise reduction algorithm. CURRENT SCIENCE, 2024, 127(11):1301-1309.  (SCI, Q3)

[4] Gengqi Lin; Liangping Tu*; Jianxi Li; Jiawei Miao. GReFC-Net: an automated method for measuring structural features of spiral galaxies. EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 2024, 58(2). (SCI, Q2)

[5] Jiawei Miao; Liangping Tu*; Bin Jiang; Xiangru Li; Bo Qiu. AstroSR: A Data Set of Galaxy Images for Astronomical Superresolution Research. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 2024,274(1). (SCI, Q1,中科院I区,Top)

[6] Ding Zhichao; Tu Liangping*; Yang Haifeng; Jiang Bin; Li Xiangru. Automatic purification of skylight spectrum based on an autoencoder. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN.2024. (SCI, Q2)

[7] 屠良平; 李双川; 涂东鑫; 李建喜; 丁治超. SATS: A Stellar Spectral Classification Algorithm Based on Multiple Feature Extraction.2024,44(07):2029-2036光谱学与光谱分析. (SCI, Q4)

[8] 仲峥迪,屠良平*冯雪琦,李娟,李馨.EfficientNetV2-S-Triplet7:一种改进的星系形态学分类算法. 天文学报,2024,65(02):55-68. (T2)

[9] 冯雪琦,屠良平*仲峥迪,李娟,李馨.一种低表面亮度星系的自动搜索算法——YOLOX-CS.天文学报,2024,65(02):69-88 (T2)

[10] Xiang Gao, Liangping Tu*, Juan Li and Xin Li. Automatic Classification Algorithm of Astronomical Objects Based on Improved ResNet. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2023,19(2):579–596. (EI)

[11] 李双川,屠良平*李馨,王莉莉.基于Transformer特征提取的A型恒星光谱子型分类算法.光谱学与光谱分析,43,5,2023.(SCI, Q4)

[12] 李馨,屠良平*李娟,高翔,冯雪琦,仲峥迪. Xception-AS:一种基于Xception算法结构的天体目标自动分类算法.天文研究与技术.20卷,第3期,20235.T3

[13] Juan Li Liangping Tu*, Xiang Gao, Xin Li, Zhengdi Zhong, Xueqi Feng. Automatic classification of galaxy morphology based on the RegNetX-CBAM3 algorithm. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 517, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 808–824. (SCI, Q1Top)

[14] LI Hang-fei, TU Liang-ping*, HU Yu-han, LIU Hao, ZHAO Jian. Automatic Measurement of Stellar Atmospheric Physical Parameters Based on Kernel Ridge Regression Method. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 40(4) (2020) 1297-1303. (SCI, Q4)

[15] Xu Jin; Liangping Tu*; Ke Lu. Kpca-Ent: A New Method for Automatic Measurement of Stellar Atmospheric Physical Parameters. Proceedings - 2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, CISP-BMEI 2019. (EI)

[16] Hongying Zhang; Liangping Tu*; Ke Lu. Automatic Estimation of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters Based on Extremely Randomized Trees. Proceedings - 2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, CISP-BMEI 2019. (EI)

[17] Tu Liang-ping, Wei Hui-ming, Luo A-li, Zhao Yong-heng. Automatic Measurement of the Stellar Atmospheric Parameters Based Mass Estimation. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 35(11) (2015) 3204-3208. (SCIQ4)

[18] Tu Liang-ping, Wei Hui-ming,Wang Zhi-heng,Wei Peng,Luo A-li, Zhao Yong-heng. Spectra Classification Based on Local Mean-Based K-Nearest Centroid Neighbor Method. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 35(4)(2015)1103-1106. (SCIQ4)

[19] Tu Liang-ping, Wei Hui-ming, Wei Peng, Pan Jing-chang, Luo A-li, Zhao Yong-heng. SKLOF : A New Algorithm to Reduce the Range of Supernova Candidates. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 35(1)(2015) 258-262. (SCIQ4)

[20] Tu Liangping, Dong Changqing. Histogram equalization and image feature matching. The 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2013), 443-447. (EI)

[21] Liangping Tu, Huiming Wei, Liya Ai. Galaxy and Quasar Classification Based on Local Mean-based k-Nearest Neighbor Method. Electronics Information and Emergency Communication (ICEIEC), 2015 5th International Conference on, 2015/5/14-2015/5/16. (EI)

[22] Tu Liang-ping, Luo A-Li, Jiang Bin, Wei Peng, Zhao Yong-Heng, Liu Rong. A Novel Method to Determine the Redshifts of Active Galaxies Based on Wavelet Transform, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32(10) (2012) 2858-2862. (SCIQ4)

[23] Tu LiangPing, Luo Ali, Wu FuChao, Zhao YongHeng. A method of searching for supernova candidates from massive galaxy spectra, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 53(10) (2010) 1928-1938. (SCI,中科院I)

[24] Tu Liang-Ping, Wu Fu-Chao, Luo A-li, Zhao Yong-Heng. Galaxy spectrum subtraction of a mixed spectrum based on two class PCA eigen-spectra, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 30(6) (2010) 1707-1711. (SCIQ4)

[25] Tu Liang-Ping, Luo A-li, Wu Fu-Chao, Zhao Yong-Heng. New supernova candidates from the SDSS-DR7 spectral survey, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 9(6) (2009) 635-640. (SCIQ4)

[26] Tu Liang-Ping, Luo A-li, Wu Fu-Chao, Zhao Yong-Heng. Reducing the searching range of supernova candidates automatically in a flood of spectra of galaxies, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 29(12) (2009) 3420-3423. (SCIQ4)

[27] Liangping Tu, Fuchao Wu, Ali Luo, Jiannan Zhang. Automatic Classification of Stellar Spectra Used Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC2008), 105-109. (EI)

[28] Zhang, X. W., H. Liu, and L. P. Tu. "A modified particle swarm optimization for multimodal multi-objective optimization." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 95(2020):103905. (SCIQ1)

[29] Liu, H., X. W. Zhang, and L. P. Tu. "A modified particle swarm optimization using adaptive strategy - ScienceDirect." Expert Systems with Applications 152. (SCIQ1Top)

[30] Hu, Y., Liu, H., Zhao, J., Tu, L. Dynamic analysis of dissemination model of innovation ability of enterprise r&d personnel. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 531,121743. (SCIQ1)

[31] Si Jian-Min, Li Yin-Bi, Luo A-Li, Tu Liang-Ping, Shi Zhi-Xin, Identifying Carbon stars from the LAMOST pilot survey with the efficient manifold ranking algorithm, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15(10) (2015)1671-1694. (SCIQ4T1)

[32] Peng Wei, Ali Luo, Yinbi Li, Liangping Tu, et al. On the construction of a new stellar classification template library for the lamost spectral analysis pipeline. The Astronomical Journal, 147(5) (2014) No.101. (SCIQ1)

[33] Shi Zhi-xin, Comte Georges, Luo A-li, Tu Liang-ping, Zhao Yong-heng, Wu Fu-chao. The Backgroud Sky Subtraction Around [OIII] Line in LAMOST QSO Spectra, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 34(11) (2014)3132-3135. (SCIQ4)

[34] Shou-Jun Xu, Hai-Yang Chen, Qiu-Xia Zhang, Liangping Tu. Hosoya polynomials of twisted toroidal polyhexes, Ars Comb. 114 (2014) 417-425. (SCIQ4)

[35] Xiu-Song Liu, Shou-Jun Xu, Liangping Tu. Global forcing numbers of Handgun-shaped benzenoid systems, Curr. Nanoscience, Curr. Nanosci., 10 (2014) 766-771. (SCIQ4)

[36] Tan Xin, Pan Jing-chang, Wang Jie, Luo A-li, Tu Liang-ping. Stellar Spectrum Parameter Measurement Based on Line Index by Linear Regression. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(5) (2013) 1397-1400. (SCIQ4)

[37] Tan Xin, Pan Jing-chang, Wang Jie, Luo A-li, Tu Liang-ping. Line Index Stellar Atmospheric Physical Parameter Measurement Based on Artificial Neural Network. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33(6) (2013) 1701-1705. (SCIQ4)

[38] Peng Wei, Ali Luo, Yinbi Li, Jingchang Pan, Yongheng Zhao, Liangping Tu, et al. Mining unusual and rare stellar spectra from large spectroscopic survey data sets using the outlier-detection method. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431(2) (2013) 1800-1811. (SCIQ2Top)


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