孟庆涛,山东曲阜人。工学博士,教授,博士生导师,化学工程学院副院长。2005年7月毕业于聊城大学化学专业,获理学学士学位;2011年12月毕业于大连理工大学精细化工专业,获工学博士学位。先后入选“辽宁省兴辽英才计划-青年拔尖人才”、“辽宁省百千万人才工程-千层次”、“鞍山钢都英才”、“广发体育第一批青年拔尖人才”等人才奖励计划;获得“辽宁省优秀硕士论文指导教师”、“中国冶金教育学会优秀硕士学位论文”、“辽宁省优秀博士论文(提名)指导教师”和“鞍山市青年五四奖章”等荣誉和奖项。主持国家自然科学基金、辽宁省自然科学基金项目和辽宁省教育厅科学研究重点项目等多项科研课题。先后在《Coordination Chemistry Reviews》、《Advanced Science》、《TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry》、《Small》、《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》、《Food Chemistry》、《Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical》和《ACS Sensors》等国际知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文近60余篇,其中影响因子(IF, 2022年)大于10.0的7篇,TOP期刊论文20篇,Hot Article 1篇, 累计被引近2000次。获授权发明人获授权发明专利7项。H-Index为24。(数据截止2023年11月)。
联系方式:qtmeng@ustl.edu.cn; mengqt1210@163.com
1. 合成化学:有机小分子荧光染料开发;分子荧光探针的设计与合成;无机纳米材料制备与界面等;
2. 生物传感:材料光、磁、电学性质表征;疾病生物标志物分析;环境污染物分析;食品安全检测等;
3. 生物成像生化分析:荧光成像;磁共振成像;流式细胞技术等。
1. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目(21301011),基于钆络合物的MRI/荧光双模式氟离子探针的合成与性能研究,国家级。项目负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目(21601076),新型荧光/光声纳米探针的制备及靶向测定肿瘤组织处活性氧物种的研究,国家级,主要参与人
3. 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划-青年拔尖人才”(XLYC1807199),分子探针的合成及生物医学应用基础研究,省级。项目负责人
4. 辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目(201602400),细胞器靶向定位型阴离子荧光探针及识别性能研究,科技厅项目。项目负责人
5. 2021年度辽宁省教育厅科学研究项目-重点项目(LJKZ0277),近红外次氯酸荧光探针及在疾病诊断与监测治疗的应用研究,教育厅项目。项目负责人
6. 辽宁省教育厅重点实验室基础研究项目(LZ2015047),基于席夫碱配合物的阴离子识别体系的组装与应用,教育厅项目。项目负责人
7. 辽宁省教育厅项目(2019LNQN03),近红外反应型生物硫醇探针的构建及荧光成像研究,教育厅项目。参与人
8. 辽宁省教育厅项目(2019LNJC18),近红外亚硫酸氢盐荧光探针的合成及性能研究,教育厅项目。参与人
9. 精细化工国家重点实验开放课题基金(KF1305),荧光探针法检测水中氟离子的研究,省级。项目负责人
10. 鞍山高端科技人才培育计划(青年科技人才培养)项目,基于偶氮-过渡金属配合物的比色型阴离子探针的研究,市级。项目负责人
11. 大学生创新训练项目:磁共振/荧光双模态阴离子探针的合成及性能研究,国家级。指导教师
1. 学术论文:
1. Peng-Yu Liu, Yi-Min Zhao,Yuehui Xu, Shuai Wang, Lijuan Song, Qingtao Meng,* Zhiqiang Zhang,* Fang Yu,* and Yu-Peng He*, Experiment and Computational Study on Pd-Catalyzed Methoxyiminoacyl-Directed γ-Alkoxylation of Alkylamides. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2023, 88, 20, 14445-14453, (中科院二区,SCI, IF=3.6).
2. Zhuye Shang, Shengye Tian, Yue Wang*, Cheng Zhang, Qingtao Meng,* Run Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang*, 1,8-naphthalimide-triphenylamine-based red-emitting fluorescence probes for the detection of hydrazine in real water samples and applications in bioimaging in vivo. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2024, 398: 134725. (中科院一区,TOP期刊,SCI, IF=8.4)
3. Zhuye Shang, Qingtao Meng*, Run Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Bifunctional near-infrared fluorescent probe for the selective detection of bisulfite and hypochlorous acid in food, water samples and in vivo. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1279, 341783. (中科院一区,TOP期刊,SCI, IF=6.2).
4. Zhuye Shang, Qingtao Meng,* Dihua Tian, Yue Wang, Zexi Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Run Zhang,* Red-emitting fluorescent probe for hydrogen sulfide detection and its applications in food freshness determination and in vivo bioimaging. Food Chemistry, 2023, 427, 136701, (中科院一区,SCI, IF=8.8).
5. Zhuye Shang, Yue Wang,* Qingtao Meng,* Run Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang,* A near-infrared fluorescent probe for imaging of bisulfite in living animals and its application in food samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2023, 299: 122853. (中科院二区,SCI, IF=4.4).
6. Huang Chang#, Shen Yuening#, Zhao Yujin#, Zhang Zhutian, Gao Shunxiang, Hong Jiaxu, Xu Jianjiang, Meng Qingtao*, Sun Xinghuai*, Sun Jianguo*. Sustained release of brimonidine from polydimethylsiloxane-coating silicone rubber implant to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma, Regenerative Biomaterials, 2023, rbad041 (中科院一区,TOP期刊, IF=6.7). #: Co-first authors.
7. Zhuye Shang‡, Xinyi Yang‡, Qingtao Meng,* Shengye Tian, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Ratiometric Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe for the Detection and Monitoring of Hypochlorous Acid in Rheumatoid Arthritis Model and Real Water Samples. Smart Molecules, 2023, 1(2): e20220007.
8. Zhuye Shang, Li Shu, Jianhua Liu, Qingtao Meng,* Yue Wang, Jianguo Sun,* Run Zhang and Zhiqiang Zhang*, Triphenylamine-embedded copper(II) complex as a “turn-on” fluorescent probe for the detection of nitric oxide in living animals. Analytical Methods, 2022, 14: 4537-4544. (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.1).
9. Zhuye Shang, Jianhua Liu, Qingtao Meng,* Hongmin Jia, Yun Gao,* Cheng Zhang, Run Zhang and Zhiqiang Zhang*, Carbazole-based near-infrared emitted fluorescence probe for the detection of bisulfite in live animals and real food samples. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46: 20737-20744 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.3).
10. Jianhua Liu,‡ Haoyuan Yin,‡ Zhuye Shang, Pengli Gu, Guangjie He,* Qingtao Meng,* Run Zhang and Zhiqiang Zhang*, Sequential detection of hypochlorous acid and sulfur dioxide derivatives by a red-emitting fluorescence probe and bioimaging application in vitro and in vivo. RSC Advances, 2022, 12: 15861-15869 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9). ‡: Co-first authors.
11. Zhuye Shang, Jianhua Liu, Qingtao Meng*, Yue Wang, Cheng Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang,* A near-infrared emitted fluorescence probe for the detection of biosulfite in live zebrafish, mouse and real food samples. Methods, 2022, 204: 47–54 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=4.8).
12. Peng-Yu Liu, Shi-Chen Zhao, Ming-Yuan Zhang, Lijuan Song, Caiping Wang, Fang Yu, Qingtao Meng*, Zhiqiang Zhang* and Yu-Peng He*, Pd-Caralyzed γ-Acetoxylation of Alkylamides: Structural Influence of Directing Groups. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022, 87(9): 6378-6386 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=3.6).
13. Zhuye Shang, Jianhua Liu, Zhizhi Hu, Qingtao Meng,* Yue Wang*, Run Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang*, A near-infrared fluorescence probe for the detection of bisulfite in vivo and food samples. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 200: 110119 (中科院二区,TOP期刊, SCI, IF=4.5).
14. SHANG Zhu-ye, SHU Li, WANG Yue, MENG Qing-tao*, JIA Hong-min, ZHANG Zhi-qiang*, Synthesis and performances study of triphenylamine based turn-on fluorescent probe for Fe3+ by an enhancement pattern(基于三苯胺的增强型Fe3+荧光探针及性能研究)。Chinese Journal of Luminescence (发光学报), 2022, 43(3): 453-461(国内期刊, EI)
15. Qingtao Meng‡, Miaomiao Wu‡, Zhuye Shang, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Run Zhang,* Responsive Gadolinium(III) Complex-based Small Molecule Magnetic Resonance Imaging Probes: Design, Mechanism and Application. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2022, 457: 214398 (中科院一区TOP期刊, SCI, IF=20.6). ‡: Co-first authors.
16. Yaoyun Hu,‡ Zhuye Shang,‡ Pengli Gu, Guangjie He*, Run Zhang, Qingtao Meng,* and Zhiqiang Zhang*, A Red-Emission Fluorescence Probe Based on 1,4-Addition Reaction Mechanism for the Detection of Biothiols in Vitro and in Vivo. Analytical Sciences, 2022, 38: 505–514. (中科院四区,SCI, IF=1.6, Hot Article 2022). ‡: Co-first authors.
17. Yaoyun Hu‡, Zhuye Shang‡, Juan Wang, Min Hong,* Run Zhang, Qingtao Meng,* and Zhiqiang Zhang*, A phenothiazine-based turn-on fluorescent probe for the selective detection of hydrogen sulfide in food, live cells and animals. Analyst, 2021, 146: 7528-7536 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=4.2). ‡: Co-first authors.
18. Qiuying Song, Bo Zhou, Dongyu Zhang, Haijun Chi, Hongmin Jia,* Peixun Zhu,* Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingtao Meng* and Run Zhang, A reversible near-infrared fluorescence probe for the monitoring of HSO3–/H2O2 regulated cycles in vivo. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45: 19011-19018 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.3).
19. Xinyi Yang, Yue Wang,* Zhuye Shang, Zexi Zhang, Haijun Chi, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Run Zhang and Qingtao Meng*, Quinoline-based fluorescence probe for the detection and monitoring of hypochlorous acid in rheumatoid arthritis model. RSC Advances, 2021, 11: 31656-3166 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9).
20. Yue Wang, Fang Zhou, Qingtao Meng* Songhe Zhang, Hongmin Jia, Cuiping Wang*, Run Zhang, and Zhiqiang Zhang*, A Novel Fluorescence Probe for the Reversible Detection of Bisulfite and Hydrogen Peroxide Pair in Vitro and in Vivo. Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2021, 16 (21): 3419-3426 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=4.1).
21. Haoyuan Yin, Haijun Chi, Zhuye Shang, Ali Qaitoon, Jianfei Yu, Qingtao Meng*, Zhiqiang Zhang, Hongmin Jia, Run Zhang,* Development of A New Water-soluble Fluorescence Probe for Hypochlorous Acid Detection in Drinking Water, Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, 2021, 2: 100027 (SCI, IF= 3.3).
22. Huan Feng, Jianping Liu, Ali Qaitoon, Qingtao Meng, Yasmina Sultanbawa, Zhiqiang Zhang*, ZhiPing Xu, Run Zhang*, Responsive small-molecule luminescence probes for sulfite/bisulfite detection in food samples. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 136, 116199 (中科院一区,TOP期刊, SCI, IF= 11.2).
23. Huan Feng, Qingtao Meng*, Hang Ta and Run Zhang*, Development of “Dual-key-and-lock” Responsive Probes for Biosensing and Imaging. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 12890-12896 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.3).
24. Fang Zhou,‡ Huan Feng,‡ Haibo Li, Yue Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wenjun Kang, Hongmin Jia,* Xinyi Yang, Qingtao Meng,* and Run Zhang, Red-Emission Probe for Ratiometric Fluorescent Detection of Bisulfite and Its Application in Live Animals and Food Samples. ACS Omega, 2020, 5(10), 5452-5459 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=4.1). ‡: Co-first authors.
25. Yue Wang, Huan Feng, Haibo Li, Xinyi Yang, Hongmin Jia, Wenjun Kang, Qingtao Meng*, Zhiqiang Zhang,* and Run Zhang, A Copper (II) Ensemble Based Fluorescence Chemosensor and the Application in the “Naked-eye” Detection of Biothiols in Human Urine. Sensors, 2020, 20(5): 1331 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9).
26. Qian Han,‡ Fang Zhou,‡ Yue Wang, Huan Feng, Qingtao Meng*, Zhiqiang Zhang,* and Run Zhang*, A redox-switchable colorimetric probe for “naked-eye” detection of hypochlorous acid and glutathione. Molecules, 2019, 24(13):2455 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=4.6). ‡: Co-first authors.
27. Huan Feng,‡ Yue Wang,‡ Jianping Liu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Xinyi Yang, Rong Chen, Qingtao Meng* and Run Zhang*, A Highly Specific Fluorescence Probe for Rapid Detection of Hypochlorous Acid in vivo and in Water Samples. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7: 3909-3916 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=7.0). ‡: Co-first authors.
28. Fang Zhou, Yasmina Sultanbawa, Huan Feng, Yong-Lei Wang, Qingtao Meng*, Yue Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, and Run Zhang*, A New Red-emitting Fluorescence Probe for Rapid and Effective Visualisation of Bisulfite in Food Samples and Live Animals. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67 (15):4375–4383 (中科院一区,TOP期刊, SCI, IF=6.1).
29. Run Zhang,* Liuen Liang, Qingtao Meng, Yasmina Sultanbawa, Jiangbo Zhao, Zhiqiang Zhang,* Zhiping Xu*, Responsive Upconversion Nanoprobe for Background-Free Hypochlorous Acid Detection and Bioimaging. Small, 2019, 15(2): 1803712 (中科院一区,TOP期刊, SCI, IF=13.3).
30. Xuezhao Li, Jinguo Wu, Cheng He, Qingtao Meng and Chunying Duan*, Asymmetric Catalysis within the Chiral Confined Space of Metal-Organic Architectures. Small, 2019, doi.org/10.1002/smll.201804770 (中科院一区,TOP期刊, SCI, IF=13.3).
31. Qian Han, Jianping Liu, Qingtao Meng*, Yong-Lei Wang, Huan Feng, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Zhi Ping Xu, and Run Zhang*, Turn-On Fluorescence Probefor Nitric Oxide Detection and Bioimaging in Live Cells and Zebrafish. ACS Sensors, 2019, 4(2): 309–316 (中科院一区,TOP期刊;封面文章, SCI, IF=8.9).
32. Yue Wang, Qingtao Meng*, Qian Han, Guangjie He, Yaoyun Hu, Huan Feng, Hongmin Jia, Run Zhang and Zhiqiang Zhang*, Selective and sensitive detection of cysteine in water and live cells by a coumarin-Cu2+ fluorescence ensemble. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42: 15839–15846 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.3).
33. Huan Feng, Qingtao Meng,* Yue Wang, Chengchen Duan, Cuiping Wang, Hongmin Jia, Zhiqiang Zhang, Run Zhang, Responsive Fluorescence Probe for Selective and Sensitive Detection of Hypochlorous Acid in Live Cells and Animals. Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2018, 13(18): 2611–2618 (中科院三区,封面文章, SCI, IF=4.1).
34. Huan Feng, Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingtao Meng*, Hongmin Jia, Yue Wang, Run Zhang*, Rapid Response Fluorescence Probe Enabled in vivo Diagnosis and Assessing Treatment Response of Hypochlorous Acid Mediated Rheumatoid Arthritis. Advanced Science, 2018, 5(8): 1800397 (中科院一区,TOP期刊, SCI, IF=15.1).
35. Hongmin Jia, Shuhe Xia, Huan Feng, Qingtao Meng,* Chengchen Duan, Zhiqiang Zhang* and Run Zhang, A Fast Response Fluorescence Probe Specific for Hypochlorous Acid Detection and Its Applications in Bioimaging. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2018, 16: 2074‒2082. (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.2).
36. Qingtao Meng*, Yue Wang, Huan Feng, Fang Zhou, Bo Zhou, Cuiping Wang, Run Zhang, and Zhiqiang Zhang*, A novel glucosamine-linked fluorescence chemosensor for the detection of pyrophosphate in aqueous medium and live cells. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42: 2675‒2681 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.3).
37. Yue Wang, Xueyi Wang, Qingtao Meng*, Hongmin Jia, Run Zhang, Peixun Zhu, Renfeng Song, Huan Feng, Zhiqiang Zhang*, A Gadolinium(III)-Coumarin Complex based MRI/Fluorescence Bimodal Probe for the Detection of Fluoride ion in Aqueous Medium. Tetrahedron, 2017, 73(38): 5700‒5705 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=2.1).
38. Huan Feng, Yue Wang, Hongmin Jia, Run Zhang*, Qian Han, Qingtao Meng* and Zhiqiang Zhang, Selective Detection of Inorganic Phosphates in Live Cells Based on a Responsive Fluorescence Probe. New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41: 9623‒9630 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.3).
39. Yue Wang, Run Zhang, Renfeng Song, Ke Guo, Qingtao Meng*, Huan Feng, Chunying Duan and Zhiqiang Zhang*, Fluoride-specific fluorescence/MRI bimodal probe based on a Gadolinium(III)-flavone complex: Synthesis, mechanism and bioimaging application in vivo. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4: 7379–7386 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=7.0).
40. Yue Wang, Renfeng Song, Ke Guo, Qingtao Meng*, Run Zhang, Xiangfeng Kong, and Zhiqiang Zhang*, A gadolinium(III) complex based dual-modal probe for MRI and fluorescence sensing of fluoride ions in aqueous medium and in vivo. Dalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 17616–17623 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=4.0).
41. Yue Wang, Renfeng Song, Huan Feng, Ke Guo, Qingtao Meng*, Haijun Chi, Run Zhang* Zhiqiang Zhang, Visualization of fluoride in vivo using a Gadolinium(III)-coumarin complex-based fluorescence/MRI dual-modal probe. Sensors, 2016, 16(12): 2165; doi:10.3390/s16122165 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9).
42. Xianxuan Ren, Yue Wang, Qingtao Meng*, Hongmin Jia, Yongfei Wang, Xiangfeng Kong, Chunying Duan, and Zhiqiang Zhang*, A Coumarin–based Colorimetric and Fluorescent Chemosensor for the “Naked–eye” Detection of Fluoride ion in 100% Natural Water Medium Using Coated Chromatography Plates. ChemistrySelect, 2016, 1(15): 4397–4402 (中科院四区,SCI, IF=2.1).
43. Yue Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingtao Meng*, Cheng He, Run Zhang, Chunying Duan*, A new ensemble approach based chemosensor for the reversible detection of bio-thiols and its application in live cell imaging. Journal of Luminescence, 2016, 175:122–128 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=3.6).
44. Hongmin Jia, Ming Yang, Qingtao Meng*, Guangjie He, Yue Wang, Zhizhi Hu, Run Zhang, and Zhiqiang Zhang*, Synthesis and Application of an Aldazine-Based Fluorescence Chemosensor for the Sequential Detection of Cu2+ and Biological Thiols in Aqueous Solution and Living Cells. Sensors, 2016, 16(1): 79 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9).
45. Qingtao Meng, Hongmin Jia, Peter Succar, Liang Zhao, Run Zhang*, Chunying Duan, Zhiqiang Zhang*, A highly selective and sensitive ON–OFF–ON fluorescence chemosensor for cysteine detection in endoplasmic reticulum. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74: 461–468 (中科院一区,TOP, SCI, IF= 12.6).
46. Qingtao Meng,* Hongmin Jia, Xue Gao, Yue Wang, Run Zhang* Renjie Wang, and Zhiqiang Zhang, Reversible and Selective Fluorescence Detection of Histidine Using a Naphthalimide-Based Chemosensing Ensemble. Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2015, 10(11): 2411–2418 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=4.1).
47. Qingtao Meng* Yue Wang, Ming Yang, Run Zhang*, Renjie Wang, and Zhiqiang Zhang, A new fluorescent chemosensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in aqueous solution and living cells. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 53189–53197 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9).
48. Qingtao Meng*, Run Zhang, Hongmin Jia, Xue Gao, Cuiping Wang, Yu Shi, Arun V. Everest-Dass, Zhiqiang Zhang*, A reversible fluorescence chemosensor for sequentially quantitative monitoring copper and sulfide in living cells. Talanta, 2015, 143: 294–301 (中科院一区,TOP,SCI, IF=6.1).
49. Hongmin Jia, Xue Gao, Yu Shi, Nima Sayyadi, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Qi Zhao, Qingtao Meng*, Run Zhang, Fluorescence detection of Fe3+ ions in aqueous solution and living cells based on a high selectivity and sensitivity chemosensor. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 149: 674–6812 (中科院二区,SCI, IF=4.4).
50. Qingtao Meng, Yu Shi, Cuiping Wang, Hongmin Jia, Xue Gao, Run Zhang*, Yongfei Wang and Zhiqiang Zhang*, NBD-based fluorescent chemosensor for the selective quantification of copper and sulfide in an aqueous solution and living cells. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015, 13: 2918–2926 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.2).
51. Qingtao Meng*, Hongmin Jia, Cuiping Wang, Hongbin Zhao, Gonghao Lu, Zhizhi Hu, Zhiqiang Zhang*, Chunying Duan, Coumarin-based fluorescence hybrid silica material used for selective detection and absorption of Hg2+ in aqueous media. Optical Materials, 2014, 37: 828–833 (中科院三区,SCI, IF=3.9).
2. 授权国家发明专利:
1) 孟庆涛,张志强,王月,贾宏敏,冯焕,等。磁共振/荧光双模态探针及其应用,2019.08.22,中国,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0540556.3. (已授权).
2) 孟庆涛,张志强,王月,贾宏敏,等。一种检测生物体内硫离子的荧光铜配合物及其应用,2017.06.06,中国,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0747128.4 (已授权).
1. 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划-青年拔尖人才”人选(2018年)
2. 辽宁省“百千万人才工程-千层次”人选(2017年)
3. 辽宁省优秀硕士论文指导教师(2020年)
4. 中国冶金教育学会优秀硕士学位论文(2020年)
5. 辽宁省优秀博士论文(提名)指导教师(2020年)
6. 鞍山市“五四青年奖章”获得者(2019年)
7. 广发体育首批“青年拔尖人才奖励计划” 获得者(2016年)
8. 广发体育优秀教师(2020年)
9. 广发体育学生最喜爱的教师(2021年)
10. 广发体育优秀科技工作者(2018-2019年度)
11. 广发体育优秀青年科技工作者(2013-2014、2014-2015年度)
12. 广发体育优秀博士论文指导教师(2018年)
13. 广发体育优秀硕士论文指导教师(2019、2020年)
14. 第二届全国大学生生态环境保护竞赛全国总决赛(三等奖),指导教师(2022年)
15. 第二届全国大学生生态环境保护竞赛省赛(一等奖),指导教师(2022年)
16. 辽宁省大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖(创业成果组),指导教师(2022年)
17. 2022年辽宁省普通高等学校本科大学生药苑论坛二等奖,指导教师(2022年)
18. 广发体育本科毕业设计(论文)校级优秀指导教师(2017年)
19. 广发体育本科毕业设计(论文)院级优秀指导教师(2014、2015、2016、2018年)
1. 澳大利亚纳米技术与生物工程国家研究中心,昆士兰大学,澳大利亚
2. 纳米生物光子国家重点实验室,化学与分子生物科学系,麦考瑞大学,澳大利亚
3. 大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室,辽宁省大连市,中国
4. 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉医院
5. 新乡医学院法医学院,河南省新乡市,中国