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陶林,男,汉族,199211月生,辽宁营口人,202111月参加工作,201306月加入中国共产党,广发体育冶金工程专业毕业,研究生学历,工学博士学位,副教授。现任化工学院教工化学系党支部书记,硕士生导师,兼任《钢铁》、《中国冶金》青年编委会委员。以第一/通讯作者在《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》、《ACS Sensors》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》等冶金界面物理化学相关期刊共发表论文20余篇,中科院TOP期刊12篇,3IF>105篇入选ESI1%高被引论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。获辽宁省优秀博士学位论文、鞍山市杰出青年岗位能手等荣誉称号。





[1] Fabrication and gas sensing properties of Au-loaded SnO2 composite nanoparticles for low concentration hydrogen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 727 (2017) 254-259. (ESI1%高被引论文)

[2] Evolution of calcite surface reconstruction and interface adsorption of calcite-CO2 with temperature, Materials Research Express, 6 (2018) 025035.

[3] Adsorption Kinetics of CO2 on a Reconstructed Calcite Surface: An Experiment-Simulation Collaborative Method, Energy & Fuels, 33 (2019) 8946-8953.

[4] CO2 capture and separation on charge-modulated calcite, Applied Surface Science, 530 (2020) 147265.

[5] New insight into absorption characteristics of CO2 on the surface of calcite, dolomite, and magnesite, Applied Surface Science, 540 (2021) 148320. (ESI1%高被引论文)

[6] Flue gas separation at organic-inorganic interface under geological conditions, Surfaces and Interfaces, 27 (2021) 101462.

[7] First-principles calculations on the resistance and electronic properties of H2 adsorption on a CoO-SnO2 heterojunction surface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24 (2021) 392-402.

[8] Influence of heat treatment on H2S gas sensing features of NiO thin films deposited via thermal evaporation technique, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 154 (2023) 107232. (ESI1%高被引论文)

[9] Metal-Decorated InN Monolayer Senses N2 against CO2, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (2023) 12534-12544. (ESI1%高被引论文)

[10] Atomic-level insights into selective adsorption of H2 and CO on SnO2/CoO heterojunctions, Materials Today Nano, 22 (2023) 100334.

[11] Insights into Selective Mechanism of NiO-TiO2 Heterojunction to H2 and CO, ACS Sensors, 8 (2023) 4121-4131.

[12] A single response to reducing gases by NiO-TiO2 heterojunction nanocrystals, Applied Surface Science, 644 (2024) 158821.

[13] Regulating interfacial chemistry and kinetic behaviors of F/Mo co-doping Ni-rich layered oxide cathode for long-cycling lithium-ion batteries over −20 °C – 60 °C, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 94 (2024) 449-457.

[14] Metal-Modified C3N1 Monolayer Sensors for Battery Instability Monitoring, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 15254-15264.

[15] Multi-atomic Loaded C2N1 Catalysts for CO2 Reduction to CO or Formic Acid, Nanoscale, 16 (2024) 9791-9801. (ESI1%高被引论文)

[16] Metal-enhanced carbon-nitrogen material for selective detection of hazardous gases: Insights from interface electronic states, Surfaces and Interfaces, 53 (2024) 105097.

[17] Heteroelectrocatalyst for optimizing polysulfides in high-efficiency Li-S batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, 106 (2025) 114758.

相关链接:Google Scholar | ResearchGate | University Homepage | ORCID


[1] 国家自然科学基金-青年项目52304330),2024-2027主持

[2] 辽宁自然科学基金-博士启动项目2024-BS-218),2024-2026,主持;

[3] 广发体育-优秀青年项目2023YQ11),2023-2025主持;

[4] 国家自然科学基金-重点项目(51634004),2017-2021子课题负责;

[5] 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(51974157),2020-2023参与;

[6] 辽宁省教育厅-青年项目LJKQZ20222324),2022-2024主持

[7] 辽宁省教育科学“十四五”规划2024年度课题(JG24DB272),参与;

[8] 大学生创新创业训练计划(202410146030),国家级,指导教师;


[1] 2022年辽宁省优秀博士学位论文;

[2] 2023年第六届全国大学生冶金科技竞赛二等奖指导教师;

[3] 2023年广发体育校园先锋示范岗;

[4] 2024年鞍山市十大杰出青年岗位能手;

[5] 2024年第九届全国大学生生命科学竞赛一等奖指导教师;

[6] 2024年广发体育学生最喜爱的教师;

[7] 2024第十一届中国研究生能源装备创新设计大赛三等奖指导教师;

[8] 2024年辽宁省高校“双带头人”教师党支部书记;

[9] 2024年辽宁省党支部标准化规范化建设示范点;


钢铁》、《中国冶金青年编委会委员ACS: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS omega. RSC: Nanoscale, PCCP, RSC advances. Elsevier: Analytica Chimica Acta, Applied Surface Science, Ceramics International, Fuel, Materials Today family, Sensors and Actuators A. Others: ISIJ, JOM, MMTB, JCP等物理化学相关领域期刊审稿人;中国化工学会会员;中国化学会会员。

